Fabric Quick Tutorial 2014
install pyenv
% brew install pyenv % echo 'if which pyenv >> /dev/null; then eval "$(pyenv init -)"; fi' % exec $SHELL -l
install python
% pyenv install 2.7.2 % pyenv global 2.7.2 % python --version [~] Python 2.7.2
install fabric
% pip install fabric % pip freeze | grep Fabric [~] Fabric==1.8.2
create practice directory.
% mkdir ~/testFabric % cd ~/testFabric
create local action
edit: fabfile.py
from fabric.api import env, lcd, local def local_action(): """ local action """ with lcd("/tmp/"): local("touch local.txt")
listing available commands.
% cd ~/testFabric % fab -l [~/testFabric] Available commands: local_action local action
do it.
% fab local_action [~/testFabric] [localhost] local: touch local.txt Done.
see result.
% ls /tmp/local.txt [~/testFabric] /tmp/local.txt
remote action
edit: fabfile.py
from fabric.api import env, lcd, local, cd, run from fabric.decorators import roles env.roledefs = { 'www': ['centos.vm'] } env.use_ssh_config = True env.key_filename = '~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key' def local_action(): """ local action """ with lcd("/tmp/"): local("touch local.txt") @roles("www") def remote_action(): """ remote action """ with cd("/tmp/"): run("touch remote.txt")
do it.
% fab remote_action
see result.
% ssh centos.vm ls /tmp/remote.txt [~/testFabric] /tmp/remote.txt
rsync action
edit: fabfile.py
from fabric.api import env, lcd, local, cd, run from fabric.decorators import roles from fabric.contrib.project import rsync_project env.roledefs = { 'www': ['centos.vm'] } env.use_ssh_config = True env.key_filename = '~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key' def local_action(): """ local action """ with lcd("/tmp/"): local("touch local.txt") @roles("www") def remote_action(): """ remote action """ with cd("/tmp/"): run("touch remote.txt") @roles("www") def rsync_action(): """ rsync action """ local("mkdir -p /tmp/sync") with lcd("/tmp/sync"): local("touch test1.txt test2.txt test3.txt exclude.txt") run("mkdir -p /tmp/sync") with cd("/tmp/sync/"): run("touch dummy.txt") rsync_project(remote_dir="/tmp", local_dir="/tmp/sync", exclude="exclude.txt", delete=True, extra_opts="", ssh_opts="-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no")
do it and see result.
% fab rsync_action % ssh centos.vm ls /tmp/sync [~/testFabric] test1.txt test2.txt test3.txt